Determining Event KeyCode on Mobile Browser (Chrome, Android, Firefox)

Recently, I run into a very common issue with regards to determining the Event KeyCode when entering text into a textarea on a mobile device. This had me scratching my head for a good couple of hours, but eventually I managed to get a solution that works perfectly well on desktop and mobile for the same piece of code. Continue reading “Determining Event KeyCode on Mobile Browser (Chrome, Android, Firefox)”

HTML5 Form Validation Quirks: Opera, Chrome And Firefox

I decided to implement an HTML5 Form validation for one project I was working on recently, and came across several interesting quirks with the implementation across Opera 11.11, Chrome 12 Beta and Firefox 4.0.1.

First off, the basic thing I realized needed to do was check if validation worked at all, so I created my form, slapped on a few “required” attributes on some fields and fired of the form submission. Here is the basic form below along with the HTML and CSS references so we know what we are working with Continue reading “HTML5 Form Validation Quirks: Opera, Chrome And Firefox”

Rethinking Swing Development

I just got wind of this awesome upcoming project called Swing Query (squery), a Java implementation of a framework similar to the JQuery library for javascript. The author of the project provides some interesting examples of the potential of making Swing development a lot more fun, using a syntax similar to JQuery.

Check it out here: