Microsoft Bing vs Google Search (Results Comparison)

Okay the title is a bit deceptive I know. This is not actually some well planned and detailed search result analysis, so don’t get your hopes up. Anyways, I have been monitoring the statistics for this blog over the past month and I have been seeing some interesting I thought I would like to share. Basically, my blog has been receiving a fair amount of traffic from search engines every week, and the bulk of the traffic seems to end up on my post about My Wish List For Dreamweaver CS5 – Reviewed. Most of the page hits came from search results for the following terms, “Dreamweaver CS5”, “Code Completion” and “Dreamweaver CS5 PHP”. Most of my other blog post received minor traffic, so I decided to find out who was sending me all these visitors. Continue reading “Microsoft Bing vs Google Search (Results Comparison)”

Sometimes in Java, One Layout Manager Is Not Enough

Most often when developing Java Swing applications, we need to use several layout managers in several nested panels. This is usually not a problem and is considered the normal practice for all UI development in almost all languages known to man. However, most often for each panel in the UI only one layout manager is needed to achieve the desired effect, but there comes a time when you need to use multiple layout managers for the same container depending on the number components in the container.

One such example would be when creating a Centered Grid like layout.  Most often, GridLayout or GridBagLayout may suffice if the number of components are fixed but if the number of components keep changing, the layout may not be as desired. I faced such a similar problem this afternoon, and here is the solution I came up with. Continue reading “Sometimes in Java, One Layout Manager Is Not Enough”